Sunday School,
Bible Study and other groups
Current ministry and fellowship opportunities @ AUMC
Sunday school for all ages, Sunday Mornings 10 – 10:40
– Eva Cade Class, Fellowship Class, Young Adults Class, Elementary and Youth Classes
Pastor’s Bible Study (Tuesdays from 11am-noon)
Tuesday mornings at 11:00, our fellowship hall comes alive with discussions relative to each and every one of God’s children. This Bible Study/Sharing and Learning experience is led by Pastor Jim McConnell. Although few in numbers at times, this group of worshipers enjoy learning about God’s Holy Word, and how we can relate his message to our own lives. Also, lively discussions are held with sometimes mixed opinions (but with love for each other and their opinions). One cannot help but grow in his/her faith!
Come join us – each Tuesday, 11:00 – 12:00 pm! Everybody welcome!
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Youth Fellowship