Methodist Youth Fellowship
United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) activities focus on youth fellowship and provide opportunities for youth to build relationships within the church and to deepen their faith.
UMYF is for children grades six and up. The youth meet Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Stroud Building, have a program led by Taylor Nelson, AUMC’s youth intern, and conclude with dinner at 5 p.m.
Elementary Youth Group
The elementary youth group (up to fifth grade) meets monthly on Sunday afternoons at 4 p.m. in the Stroud Building and then have dinner together with the UMYF at 5 p.m. This group is led by Allyson Meyer and Dee Stroud.
Need more info?
For more information about youth events, contact the church office at (252) 746-6524, Ext. 1 or contact Allyson Meyer or Dee Stroud.