Thank you to everybody who signed up to help with Children’s Church this summer! We have a new sign up sheet outside the Children’s Church door with available days through December. Please add your name to the list. You do not have to have a child in Children’s Church in order to volunteer.
Back to Sunday School Breakfast
Thank you to everybody who participated in our Back to Sunday School breakfast. We had a good time with food and fellowship! If you do not currently attend Sunday School, please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am. We have three adult classes and children’s classes for students from nursery age through high school. Sunday School is a great way to meet other church members in a smaller setting.
Bibles Presented to Children
Pastor Al and the Education Team presented Bibles to our upper elementary students for promotion Sunday. Pastor Al presented the Bibles using text from the UMC Book of Worship that specifically addresses the giving of Bibles to children. There were six recipients in church on Promotion Sunday.