Kitchen Guidelines 2011
Guidelines for Church Events
General Responsibilities:
a. The Kitchen Committee will obtain all supplies for the functions/cleaning of the kitchen. An inventory will be kept of all supplies and kitchen equipment. Vance Sullivan will purchase all supplies for the kitchen. Anyone needing supplies for any function should contact him.
- b. The Kitchen Committee Team Leader will check the kitchen after each function to be sure it is ready for the next function, and if necessary, discuss issues with the leader of the group who used the kitchen last.
- c. Any group, (Methodist Men, Methodist Women, etc.,) will be responsible for cleaning the kitchen upon completion of their project which includes the laundry of dish towels. Table-cloths will be laundered by Ayden United Methodist Women. If a group uses table cloths and are not members of the Ayden United Methodist Women, it is their responsibility to notify a member so that the table cloths will be washed and ready for the next occasion.
- d. Persons wishing to use the Kitchen should contact the Church Office to reserve the date.
- e. The Kitchen Committee will evaluate ways of making the kitchen more efficient.
- f. The Kitchen Committee will be available to any group that uses the kitchen to assist in any way possible. Contact the Team Leader for any assistance
All Church Functions, (Homecoming, Cantata, Easter Breakfast, etc)
United Methodist Men – tables, chairs, making tea/coffee/soft drinks
Joy circle – responsible for placing silverware, napkins on tables, setting up drink table near ice, preparing the buffet and desert tables.
Joy Circle – Placement on Food on table as Received (at least two people). They should be available as people bring in food items prior to Sunday School and Church. (It is suggested that church members place food on the table as they bring it in so there is a minimum amount of placement of food by the Circle Members. We do not want to keep members assisting in this role from enjoying the homecoming, cantata and other festivities being held in the church sanctuary) They may also choose to recruit volunteers to assist.
Youth – Serving Drinks/Nursery
a. The Youth representative will be responsible for serving drinks and providing care if needed in the nursery. Additionally, they will monitor the Fellowship Hall and assist with taking up the dirty utensils and dirty plates. (If Youth are not available, then those cleaning up the kitchen will assume this role)
Clean up after each church function is the responsibility of the M & M’s Circle and the GEMS Circle. This includes the laundry of table clothes, etc.
It is not the responsibility of the Kitchen Committee although they may assist if needed and called upon.
For large events it is suggested that the Circles solicit assistance from the congregation for assistance as needed by posting a sign-up sheet for both in the Fellowship Hall.
These guidelines have been reviewed and accepted by the Kitchen Committee and will be distributed to Committee members, Circle Leaders, Youth Leaders, UMM and UMW Presidents, Pastor, and Church Office. Copies will also be posted in the Kitchen and on the AUMC Website.
January 31, 2011
Use of the Ayden United Methodist Church Facilities
Approved by Board of Trustees May 1, 2011
I. Those persons or groups who will be authorized to use the buildings:
A. All church groups
B. Members of the church for weddings, receptions, family reunions, celebrations, and
recitals at no charge.
C. Non-members for the same use as above under the following conditions:
1. A service charge of $250.00.
2. A maintenance deposit of $250.00 to be returned at the end of the event if facilities
are clean and undamaged upon inspection.
D. Scouts will be allowed to use a room provided they have adult supervision at all times,
and their meetings do not conflict with church meetings.
E. The pastor and the trustees have the right to refuse use of facilities to any group.
II. Those who are not authorized to use the facilities:
A. Any club, except in an extreme emergency
B. Non-church money-making projects
III. Basic Controls:
A. All meetings will be scheduled through the church office by the 25th day of the previous
month. All regularly scheduled meetings need be scheduled only once for the year.
Other meetings, of a non-regular basis, should be scheduled at least one week in advance,
except in an emergency.
B. Meetings will be restricted to specific or available rooms.
C. All children and youth groups must have adult supervision before entering the building.
An adult should remain until all children have left.
D. Rules and instructions for use of the kitchen are posted in the kitchen.
E. Equipment such as tables, chairs, audio-visual equipment, kitchen equipment, etc…
shall not be loaned out.
F. Provisions must be made to prevent candles from dripping on the furniture and carpet.
G. Chancel (altar) rail must remain in place at all times except for the children’s Christmas
IV. Rules of Procedures:
A. The adults in charge of each group are responsible for the conduct of the groups and the
condition in which the building and grounds are left.
B. Building cleanliness:
1. Leave rooms as found.
Chairs, tables, bookcases, books, materials, collection plates, bulletin boards, etc…
are to be left as arranged in the room upon entry.
2. Proper care of tables and chairs must be taken.
Cover tables when working with materials such as glue, paint, crayons, wax, etc…
3. Trash receptacles are available in the building.
Cooperation is asked in keeping the facilities neat and clean, including grounds
around entrances and other areas that may be used. Trash receptacles should be
4. Sunday school teachers are to keep old literature and unused supplies out of rooms
or stored in proper places. Each Sunday school class is responsible for the cleanliness
of its own rooms.
C. Check on lights, water, and heat.
1. Turn off all lights.
2. Check restrooms for cleanliness and to see that no water is left running or lights on.
Note: Switches for exterior lights are marked so that identification of “on” and “off”
positions are apparent.
3. The pastor is authorized to make any minor repairs.
Approved by Board of Trustees May 1, 2011