If you’ve been in worship this year you know that one of our big capital campaigns for 2020 was raising $25,000 to replace the elevator outside our sanctuary. The elevator is used each week and is an important tool for ministry in our church, making worship accessible and welcoming to everyone.
Well, there’s good news and bad news.
The bad news is that the elevator has finally stopped working and is really beyond reasonable service. Every dollar we pour into it at this point is wasted money.
The good news is that we’re almost there. Our church family has given lovingly and sacrificially toward this cause and we only have approximately $4600 left to raise before we meet our goal.
Let me be the first to say that I am in awe of the dedication and generosity that has gotten us to this point. As our leadership team met this week we were deeply grateful for the way the members of our worshipping community have supported this mission.
And now we’re making one last ask.
If you’ve been considering a donation to the church elevator fund, now is the time. We’re hoping to begin the process of installation on the elevator in February, and we need your help to make that happen.
Any donation helps. If every family in our church gave $100 this week we would meet our goal. Even a donation of $10 makes a difference.
Finally, while there are plenty of dollar signs and amounts in this email, at the end of the day, it’s not about the money – it’s about the ministry that your gifts enable.
Thank you for considering this last big ask,
Grace and peace,
Pastor Jim