We are once again entering that season of the church when our young people are invited to begin thinking about what it means to be a professing member of the church, and whether or not they are ready to make that decision. In the church, we call this process of joining the church “confirmation”.
Confirmation is a time for youth to explore their faith, ask questions and learn about God, themselves and those around them. It is a time of learning about the story of God and how it has been enacted throughout history by God’s people. It is a time to make firm the commitments the promises made at their baptisms, and to assume responsibility to life those promises out in the world.
During class sessions we will spend our time learning about the history, beliefs and traditions of the church, as well as learning how we can begin to take our part as adult members in the body of Christ.
The schedule for confirmation sessions will follow the regular Sunday School schedule (Sundays from 10:00 – 10:40 am) beginning on April 7 with our final class session on May 26. We will celebrate confirmation in worship on June 2nd.
In order to help us plan, If you or your youth are planning to participate in confirmation, please RSVP by e-mail to minister@aydenumc.org, or by phone to the church office by March 3rd.
I’m looking forward to a great confirmation class this year and will be praying for all of those who will be joining me for this special journey. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
-Pastor Jim