Great are you, o Lord.
Your glory soars to the heavens
and the works of your hands
are manifest in all the earth.
You see the trajectory of the stars
yet the wanderings of the ant are known to you.
You observe the ways of mankind from of old
and discern our future course.
You saw the evil that came suddenly upon us,
and knew of it when it was conceived in the heart.
Yet we were blind to it
and were not warned.
Was it a blindness you bestowed?
Can we say it was a punishment for sins past?
Are the people brought to dust
for the indifference of a nation?
Our enemies gloat
and dance in the streets.
While our rescuers search in vain
and wear the ashes of mourning.
In the depths of our sorrow
we seek your face.
For the comfort of knowing that you still are God;
that those who are lost, you have found.
As one who digs through rubble for the loved and lost,
Pick through the debris of our lives
for the still beating heart that once was yours.
Rescue us, and restore us to life.
In the midst of our wrath, we turn.
Are you behind us to strengthen our resolve?
With the face of war we look forward.
Are you before us to guide our ways.
The Captain of the Lord’s Host confronts us.
As Joshua we ask, “Are you one of us or of our enemies?”
But you do not come as one of us,
Nor are you of the enemy camp.
If we are not good, can we vanquish evil?
If we are not fair, can we execute justice?
To crush the foe in battle is easier
than to destroy that which makes him an enemy.
Though the hosts of evil may die in the thousands,
Evil gloats through the smoke of their ruin.
For it cannot be pierced by weapons,
and its own slain are its prize.
Let us not be deceived by our success in battle.
Hearts are harder to conquer than lands.
But the heart of the enemy is our true objective,
unless it is turned, there will be no peace.
Lead us, o God,
and we will follow.
Bring destruction to tyrants
and an end to their evil ways.
Let the cruel tremble before your wrath,
But let their people shout for joy at your appearing.
Help us to set at liberty those who seek to live in peace
That we may all dwell in safety.
Temper our indignation
That we may not be as those we hunt.
Lest having won the war
Our souls are lost.